Friday, July 20, 2007

First blog

I decided to start a blog b/c a few weeks ago my roomate told me I should start writing again about what's going on inside my head. So since I pretty much don't really use greatest journal or live journal anymore I thought why not use this. I could use my blog on my myspace page but I just figured this would be kind of better.

Things have just been kind of crazy lately, I'm very very seriously torn and confused about many things. Especially my guy situation, like I thought I was over Eric but now as of lately I don't think I am, and I really was over him for a while. Or well at least that's what I told myself, but apparently not.

Heck just the other night even we had a talk about how we just need to be friends and nothing more, but do you know how many times that we have had that conversation....NUMEROUS and eventually we break it. I just really hope kind of that we can get past all this and see what happens.

I really do have like a million things going through my head but for now writing that down made me feel a little bit better. So I think this could possibly work for me.

You know what sucks right now though is that our sattilite is out and Ashlen said they can't get anyone out here till Wednesday. This blows and it's sooooooooooooooooooo freaking boring with no TV.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Wow does direct tv only work on wednesdays? Because they are putting in our HD Dish next wednesday. not the 8th but the 15th. that's crazy! oh i'm getting satellite in my room. Helll yeah! yay for comments!