Saturday, May 24, 2008

I hate my job!

Gah I swear my managers at my job are really just f'n stupid. Why in the world would you put someone that comes in at 6:00 on a party that doesn't come in until 7:30?! Most likely knowing that is all I am going to have for the entire night. Well guess what they don't give two shits or care cause they sure screwed me tonight.

It's a Friday night and I ended up walking out of there making only $33. 33 MOTHER FREAKING DOLLARS ON A FRIDAY. When everyone else in the resturant tonight more than likely made plenty of more money than me and the person that was on the party with me.

The major thing that pisses me off the most about all of this is that from the time I got there at 6 till 7:30 when the party got there I helped everyone else out while they were busy. Like running food or cleaning up in the kitchen. I pretty much felt like a food runner tonight than a f'n server. And did management even give two shits...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

Honestly it really doesn't motivate me to even want to go back to that place tomorrow and work. I really do hate the management staff that we have there now because they never really seem to care who they're screwing over. Especially me seeing as I've been at that place for almost 7 years....7 years don't mean shit to them I guess.

What pisses me off too is how the other servers there really don't care that I was helping them or running food for them or anything. It's like I just got shit on the entire night.
Eric didn't care that was in bad mood either. That's one more thing that just really pissed me off the most. He doesn't even care that I left tonight without saying goodbye or that I was in a bad mood. Doesn't care to ask what's wrong or try to comfort me...nooooooooooooooooo. I mean why would he?! Pft he might love and care about me but he has a pretty damn funny way of showing it and it really pisses me off.

Now tomorrow I promised his mom I'd be at his niece's birthday party so I've got to eventually make sure he's still going. Well I'm getting up semi-early(well early for me on a Saturday at least) to go get her a present, then I'll try to call him and make sure he's going so I can go pick him up.

Gahhhh it's times like these that I really wish I could have a f'n drink. Or hell even a guy that's stable and is there for me to vent to about all this.

What's sad is on my drive home I had my David Cook burned CD on full blast and that didn't help me really smile. Well ok it did a little but not much, that just shows how much I'm pissed off and in a bad mood.